Milano Design Week — Mostre
Magis will also play a key role in various other events during Design Week, including:
– designintoys, an exhibition dedicated to toy design, reviewing the fundamental events in the history of the sector, and displaying the most significant, iconic and innovative products, from both Italy and abroad. Organized by Assogiocattoli in partnership with, the Consortium of the Politecnico university in Milan, the exhibition will be inaugurated on 14 April, and will run throughout the month of May at the BovisaTech complex, a multipurpose facility located near the Politecnico campus in the Bovisa quarter of the city;
– an exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Elle Decor magazine, to be held from 14 April to 30 May 2015 at the Palazzo Reale in Milan, as part of the Design for Life project. Here, a series of sub-events developed around the exhibition on four conceptual levels (sociological, aesthetic, emotional and cultural) will explore the deep meaning of design and how the design world has expanded the range of its relations over the past 25 years;
– SPAZIOFMG, the showroom gallery of Iris Ceramica and FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti, inaugurated in 2007 in the “Zona Tortona”, which acts as a research laboratory and a place of meeting and experimentation for professionals and lovers of the architecture and design world. During Expo 2015, SpazioFMG extends the boundaries of its field of research, inaugurating the FutureCraft exhibition (the first event in the Tomorrow by Design programme), running from 13 April to 29 May 2015.